About Us

What is ItsMovie1 ? What does it do ?

Have you ever thought who is itsmovie and what is it doing? 

    Hello, My name is Saurab Kunwar and I am a Computer Science Student. I am the creater of itsmovie or itsmovie1.blogspot.com. I jad basically created this website as one of my basic learning project but slowly it feels really good to provide or helping people finding the top movies to recommend which helps other to find the best or trending movies. 

    I don't only give information about the released movies but also helps you to get notifed the upcoming movies every months.


Why only movies ? Why not other things?

At the starting of this website I thought a lot about if I create an website or blog then what should I ipload so that people come to visit.I asked some of my friends but you may also know that each people have their different views.

      It demotivated me a lot as it start me to think that I had no talents to show other or I don't have any specific skills. But after watching a lot of YouTube videoes, Tiktok , Instagram Reels and many others , I came to know that watching movies is also a skill (Just Joking). 

      I watch a lot of movies every time from my 5,6th grade . So I keep detail information about every films date so that I could watch it faster. And through here you can also be informed about the upcoming movies too.

For contact with me 

Email - saurabkunwar2005@gmail.com 
Youtube - Not till now ***

The ItsMovie1 Goals

I had created this blog or website to make sure that people don't have to waste their time on wasting time on watching useless movies. As in todays days we can see that even a low budget movie or a said to be worst movie have the duration or run time of 120 mins to 140 mins which means watching a movie that don't  make senses will suely going to waste your time.

      So to solve this our website will help to find you top or trending movies of different languages such as Nepali, Hindi , English and so on.

Long term vision of ItsMovie1 

For now we had only few of the list but slowly we are going to informed you in much and much better way then today.

      We had freshly stared this website so may be it will become little disappointed for you to not getting the huge amount of films. For now we had limited amount of movies which were watched by us and inlist infront of you. But we had a proper plan to continue our work to provide you better experience.


Finally, hope you may know What I am wanted to tell you. You don't have to miss any  movies or films that are going to released or even don't have to miss those are super-duper but you don't have any knowledge about them.

     We are doing our best to provide you better experience of the movies by not making you bored to watch only dumb movies.

      If you like our work and wanted to help us then you don't  have to do a lot of work but can share with one of your movie lover friend or parents.

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